Chimney Rock Nov 09

Starting at the Thunder Mountain trailhead
PB193033   CHIMNEY ROCK PB193034   .. PB193035   This is the fork for our clockwose loop around Chimney Rock PB193036
PB193038 PB193039 PB193040 PB193041
PB193042 PB193044 PB193045   So close to town, the Rock is surrounded by great views of west Sedona PB193046
PB193047 PB193048 PB193049 PB193050
PB193051 PB193052   Lizard Head PB193053 PB193054
PB193055 PB193056 PB193057 PB193058
PB193059   Chimney Rock looks very different close up than from the road PB193061 PB193062 PB193063   Work stopped on this house under construction when the financial crisis hit
PB193064   Our lunch stop PB193065 PB193066 PB193067   The prayer flags and stupa of Amitabha can be seen below
PB193068 PB193069 PB193071 PB193072